Save the Date!
Pennington Day 2025.
Saturday, May 17th
Vendor Registration Opens March 1st, 2025
Pennington Day
Since 1980, this lively street fair featuring local businesses, artisans, activities, music, food and non-profits, has become one of the most anticipated events in Pennington Borough and Hopewell Valley.
WHEN - Annually, the 3rd Saturday in May
WHERE - Downtown Pennington Borough, along South Main Street and East Curlis Avenue.
Emergency services generously provided by Union Fire Company & Rescue Squad of Titusville, NJ.
Get Involved!
Become a Vendor
Get booth space to sell your merchandise or crafts. Introduce your organization to the community. Join local food vendors and help feed the crowd.
Become a Sponsor
Support Pennington Day and the greater Hopewell Valley community. Get your organization or business in front of thousands of people.
Get on the Schedule
Pennington Day is always looking to fill its stages and spaces with new and returning talent. Find out how you or your group can be part of the show!

Our Mission
Pennington Day’s mission is to further the borough’s spirit and identity as a community, and enhance its quality of life, while providing community groups, civic organizations and businesses of Hopewell Valley an opportunity to inform the community of their mission, to allow community organizations to raise funds through their sponsorship of Pennington Day events and/or the booths, and to make grants to non-profits, civic organizations, schools and municipalities for specific projects that serve Pennington Borough and Hopewell Valley.